CATS PPM Interface
Do the standard SAP scenarios for CATS hours/activity recording on SAP PPM/PS objects not fully cover your requirements and/or require too many work steps? Use our interface to the Cross Application Time Sheet (CATS) to conveniently post data to PPM objects.
Data transfer errors due to manual interfaces are eliminated thanks to the guided and automated transfer. Reduce and automate the necessary work steps with our CATS PPM interface and thereby increase productivity.
Automated transfer of CATS data to PPM objects in SAP
Project data perfectly prepared
Using our SAP CATS PPM interface in conjunction with SAP PPM functions/evaluations, you can quickly check whether the planned requirements of your project planning match the hours actually booked via SAP CATS, regardless of whether they have already been entered directly in an SAP PPM object. This allows you to quickly identify free capacities and use the resources for other projects or tasks. Overplanning can be quickly identified and appropriate measures initiated, for example adjusting requirements, increasing employee resources or adjusting tasks.
The clear plan/actual comparison of capacity data also allows you to draw important conclusions for planning future projects.
Recording of general activities
General activities are not currently shown in your capacity evaluations? With our SAP CATS PPM interface, these activities can be assigned to corresponding projects and then checked and evaluated. By monitoring and controlling the general activities, they become transparent and can be adapted to actual requirements, thereby increasing productivity.
Synchronized data from project management and time recording
Do your project and resource management and time recording work in two different project management systems? With our solution, the recorded hours can be synchronized via an automated interface at project and role level. Data transfer errors due to manual data entry or other interfaces are thus avoided - for a consistent database.
Access to constantly updated data
The transfer of SAP CATS data can be run as a regular background job or triggered manually. This means you can always access the current data status.
Meaningful even without accounting integration
You don't want to connect your existing SAP accounting system with SAP PPM? With our SAP CATS PPM interface, you can implement actual hours recording and capacity evaluations completely independently of SAP accounting integration.